Thursday, 13 February 2014

Album Cover Draft Two...

My second draft of my album cover...

Magazine Advert First Draft...

This is my first draft for my magazine album advert. I really like the simplicity of it and i think it captures the readers eye. I will be creating more drafts to see what ideas I can create based around this.

Record Label

To improve the quality of my Digipak and magazine poster I have decided to create my own record label. For this I researched existing record labels such as 
I noticed that they all were black and white with a silhouette look about them. I took most of my inspiration from the ISLAND record label because I thought it was interesting and stood out.
This is my label I have created:
Although it is simple I think it effective. The reason I chose to create an umbrella is because it suggests that my label will cover a variety of music genres.

Album cover draft one...

After the photo shoot yesterday I have used Photoshop to create this first draft of my album cover...

I really like the 'Ivory Bliss' title however I am not as keen on the 'The Best Your Gonna Get' font. I also think that it would be quite nice to add stars and reviews on the cover to draw the audience in however I don't want my cover to be too complicated.

Monday, 10 February 2014