Monday, 27 January 2014

Flipagram - January 26, 2014

In this flipagram I have demonstrated and contrasted the 1950s pin up girls and the housewives, as you can see the fashions are different but mainly only because TV pin up girls are more explicit, however the hairstyles are almost identical! The feminism shines through negatively in many of the pictures and paintings of the housewives showing that the time was quite negative for a woman however the propaganda images of the pin up girls show the lighter side to a women's life and, because this is demonstrated in the media at that time this is what people beloved that women's lives were this glamorous! This shows the impact on the media and the similarities and differences between the two contrasting lifestyles.

Sunday, 26 January 2014

A little over the top (makeup ideas)

Although this idea is too bold and overdone for my music video this make-up session allowed me to see how little I need to do to make an effect so drastic, I also played around with a candle by using it for lighting in a semi-dark room.
After creating this look I came to the conclusion that I like the golden glow of the candle however I do not like the drastic look, a little dark eyeshadow may work better next time.

Thursday, 16 January 2014

Mood board of combined ideas

This is a moldboard I have created to combine all of my exsisting ideas and get a feel for what I plan my music video to look like. The "We Can Do It!" factor for women and women's empowerment is displayed within this mood board and shows the fashion, styles and colours of that time as well as the hair and makeup looks.

Monday, 6 January 2014

Caution signs and Health and Saftey

These are the signs I have created for my health and safety notices. To keep everyone safe during filming and to ensure that everyone has enough breaks and stays hydrated.
(pictures from location to be placed on blog shortly)

Costume Ideas

Digipak planning and process...